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“I feel new Again, For Decades, I lived a miserable life”

For 44 years, Mary Amos, 60 year old from Kitui County has lived a miserable life, full of suffering and loneliness. She was raised in a family that never valued the girl child education. At the age of 14 years, Mary got married. Her parents were happy to receive dowry. At that tender age, she got pregnant with her first child but unfortunately lost the child. Within 3 months, she was pregnant again. Not because she wanted to but circumstances forced her to prove that she was a woman. When labour set in the second time, Mary did not get immediate help. She labored in the house while her mother in law went to get a tradition birth attendant to help her deliver. She delivered a baby girl but was left with an injury that she has kept to herself for four decades.

Being a naive uneducated girl, Mary did not understand what was happening to her and thought it was a normal thing after delivery. She later gave birth to five more children but nobody ever told her that she could get help. Living in isolation, she feared travelling or staying with people for fear of messing. Whenever she had to move around, she fasted to prevent stool from coming out. Her husband did not leave her but he married another wife claiming that Mary was dirty.

Mary tried seeking help from the local health centers but they turned her down and referred her to Nairobi which she could never afford. When a health worker from her region told her about the Kitui camp, she was sure that her chance to finally get help had come. Through FDSA who facilitated her travel, Mary was repaired and she is now healed and very happy. “I feel new again, it’s been many years of suffering but finally I got help, I will only pray that God will bless you abundantly for your good work”

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