We met 45-year-old Catherine Chebet at the 13th Fistula National Camp held at the Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) in July 2019. A teary but beaming Catherine, who hails from Bomet county, shared her fistula journey with us. “My second pregnancy was one that I enjoyed; it was smooth without any complications. However, the outcome was ...Read More Read More
How My Decision Not to go to Hospital Early Cost me Dearly
Why My 11-Year-Old Son Offered to Pay for My Fistula Repair Surgery
33-year-old Beth Cecilia Piyai from Kajiado county is a mother of five. Her children –all boys -are aged 11 years, 9 years, 7 years, 5 years and 2 years. After delivering her lastborn child two years ago, Beth, an unemployed widow, developed a fistula, and had no means to have it repaired. But as from ...Read More Read More