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“I labored for 13 hours without help”

Mercy 35 years comes from Eldoret County; all was well for Mercy until she gave birth to her last born child. Laboring for 13 hours before getting help since she was all alone in the house as her drunkard husband was away. When she got to the hospital, she gave birth to a baby girl weighing 3.9 Kg. After 3 days, she noticed that she could not control her stool, the baby had left her with an injury.

Not knowing who to share her worry with, Mercy kept it to herself. When her husband started noticing the bad smell and the uncontrollable flatus, Mercy got worried. His husband became abusive and would embarrass her in front of visitors calling her names. Physical fights set in and Mercy was only confined to her house since the husband warned her about leaving the house to go to work. He said she was an embarrassment since she could not control her gas and stool.

Mercy, who was then a hair dresser, now remained confined and would not make a cent. Whenever she was found not in the house, it called for physical abuse. When things got worse, he threatened to kill her “I will do anything just to get rid of you” he would occasionally say. Fearing for her life and that of her children, Mercy fled to her brother’s house since her parents were very poor and could not take her in with her three children. She began a new life in the new environment. She was well received but within a month, she felt the need to start working to support her brother in feeding the huge family. She started braiding neighbors but due to the bad smell and the gas, she would have to fast all day so as to be able to work without embarrassment.

“I never went to church, I was always afraid of farting and of stool, I remained in the house and prayed to my God that he would heal me. I didn’t know where to seek help.  I felt an outcast but I had to live for my kids. My husband has never checked on us for 5 years now, not even to ask about his children”. When she saw the advert on TV, Mercy knew that this was her only chance to get healed. God had heard her prayers. She called the number displayed on the screen and she got fare to travel to Kitui. ‘Now am healed, I will go and give thanks to God for healing me; I can now dance and sing to the Lord in church. I will work hard to set up my own salon in Eldoret town. My son is now in class seven and I have to take him to secondary in a year’s time. Am very happy and May God bless you for the good work you’re doing to save us.’

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