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I Was Frustrated. What Had My Life Become?

Immaculate Wambura is a 48-year-old mother of four. Her eldest child is 21 years old while her youngest is 10 years old. She sounds very lively and full of life over the phone.

On 13th October 2021, Immaculate’s life changed. She discovered was passing urine through both her rectum and her urethra. She felt like a leaking tap. She had just undergone a successful myomectomy. She had fibroids in her uterus which were removed. Four days after the surgery, she woke up and realized that she could not control her urine flow.  She called the doctor who had operated on her and he advised her to go for a urogram which showed that she had rectovaginal fistula.

On 28th October, Immaculate went for repair surgery with the same doctor who had performed the myomectomy (fibroidectomy). The repair was unsuccessful. The doctor advised that she uses a catheter and diaper until he found a doctor who could properly assist her and address the fistula.

On 5th November, Immaculate returned home dejected and frustrated. She did not know how she would cope Her new condition meant that she would stop attending her business premises, going to church or even hosting guests. Basically, she would stop doing anything she loved and enjoyed. What hurt her most was that she could not be open with her children. She felt embarrassed about her children having to see her wearing the diapers. When her children eventually found out that something was wrong with their mother, they were frustrated. This further added to Immaculate’s frustration. Also, because she was unable to attend to her business she ran losses as she could not supervise or reconcile her books of account. She was very unhappy.

On 15th November while listening to the radio, Immaculate heard the announcement about the medical camp hosted by the Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa. She took the phone number and called to inquire further. On 18th November, Immaculate travelled from Kerugoya to Nyeri for treatment. She went through the screening process and was scheduled for surgery. Immaculate received corrective surgery on 22nd November.

Immaculate is overjoyed and very grateful to M-PESA Foundation and the Flying Doctors’ Society of Africa for sponsoring this treatment. She says they are God-sent and are doing the most important job- serving humanity. She has promised to use her position as a church leader to be a fistula ambassador. She will not let any woman in her community suffer in silence.

She looks forward to resuming work and being of service to others.

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